Sunday, October 17, 2010

To Travel or Not to Travel..That Was the Question?

I have great peace about traveling to Hong Kong ever since God spoke to me through a picture He gave my close friend. (Please read "God Speaks" if you want the full story.)  The peace has been great but I have not experienced the excitement that comes when you know something exciting is going to happen, that feeling of anticipation.  Not that I don't want to go or that I'm not excited about the idea of picking up our son, I just can't see us getting on a plane and traveling to Hong Kong.  I asked Josh what he thought and he instantly echoed my thoughts only he added that God will provide financially for what He wants us to do.  I decided to pray about this until I knew what God wanted us to do. 

I guess I should take a sidebar and explain that when you adopt from another country sometimes you have the option to have an escort travel with your child and bring them to you.  We could pick up our son in San Francisco if we wanted to.  I thought this would be fun because then the girls could go with us.

OK, so back to my story.  It was right before bedtime, prayer time, and I asked the girls what they would want to do.  Of course they wanted to go to San Fransisco.  I asked them to pray about it and tell me what God said to them.  The next day I had a conversation with Sarah that went like this....

Me:  Sarah did you pray about Hong Kong? And did you get an answer?

Sarah:  Yes. 

Me:  What did God say?

Sarah:  Not what I wanted Him to say.

Me: What did He say?

Sarah:  He said you should just go, you and daddy.

Me:  Did He say where?

Sarah:  Yes, you and daddy are supposed to go by yourself to get Jedidiah in Hong Kong.

I was blown away!!!  Many thoughts went through my head.  When I shared the conversation with Josh he just smiled. The neat part about this whole story is now I'm getting excited and can start to see us packing and getting ready to go and it's really fun!  I can't wait to bring our son home and share our travel experiences with all of you.


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