Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Praises To My God

I love to worship and sing praises to my God more than anything else.  I could sing praises to my God all day.  My favorite songs are about God's greatness revealed in His creation.  The song Starry Night (see video below) has a line about praising the One who makes the moon reflect the sun.  Have you ever thought about the details involved in this, the moon reflecting the sun.  Or what about the God who tells the oceans where to stop - Creator of the mountains, trees, animals.  God through His creation reveals so much of who he is;  mighty, powerful, creative, awesome and everything in nature we find so beautiful like the flowers in the ground or the butterfly so delcate and beautiful.  God is an amazing creator. 

Psalm 19:1 The heavens declare the glory; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.

PS - If all this is true about God's creation, let us not forget that our son Jed, as we all are with our perceived imperfectons, is part of that glorious creation.

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