Friday, January 21, 2011

Online Courses Complete!!!

Although these courses were informative we are happy to announce the completion of them.  Our last course was about attachment issues kids have when they are adopted and it broke my heart.  To think that a child who does get attached to a caregiver will be so sad to find his forever family because they are taken away from the person they love.  We know that having a forever family is best but why do children have to deal with this at all. 

Josh and I have talked about how sin creates scenarios where there is no right answer, no right way to fix what has been done.  Yes we are forgiven by our Savior but our sin still leaves consequences and sadly those consequences affect more than just the sinner. 

I know God has everything worked out and so I pray that no matter what issues we may have to deal with that our son can adjust quickly and we would have the wisdom to help him do so.

1 comment:

  1. You will have everything you need and the love you pour into Jed will heal him of any sin done to him and that love will be stronger and lovelier! And it will be all to give our precious God glory!
