Thursday, September 29, 2011


So, we let the agency know that we want this little boy.  Now they will fill out the official paper work stating we accept the referral, we get some papers notarized and then our agency sends them to Hong Kong.  We still need Hong Kong to accept this referral, but we are confident that God has His hand in the situation and all will go smoothly.

About Jedidiah:
He is just adorable!  I wish I could post his pictures but I'm not allowed to yet.  He is five months old and weighs 11 1/2 lbs.  So tiny, like Hannah was.  Because I am not sure how much info I am allowed to share online, I won't post his name (his American name from Hong Kong), but will tell you its meaning, "Lord".  This is really cool to us because the name we gave him, Jedidiah Nathan, means "Loved by the Lord".   He looks really happy and healthy but was born with congenital heart disease, AVSD.  This is very common in children born with Down syndrome and is easily fixed with surgery. Please pray for healing!   I do not worry about his care because he is in a great place and is getting regular check ups.

Josh is in love and I mean in love.  It has been really neat to watch him through this process.  I must be honest and say that although I am very excited about this my heart is still a little guarded.   I love this little guy and can feel my expression change when I look at him.  If you're a parent you know what I mean. It's the way my eyes and heart change when I look at my girls.  Have you ever noticed the difference between looking at your kids and other kids?  I have watched other parents and it's like their eyes light up when looking at their own children.  Excuse the rambling, but I'm trying to make myself clear.  I'm still not sure it worked, but I tried!  Anyway, I also know that it will be months until we get to hold, kiss, and love on Jed, so keeping my emotions in check is important for me because if I don't these next months will be torture.  The girls on the other hand are so excited!  They begged us to say yes and screamed when we told them we already did.  They want to show everyone his picture and I can see their love for him already.  Hannah is excited too.  She can't verbally express how she feels, but she is signing about the baby and points to his picture a lot. 

I will leave you with this quick story.
Julia brought home a class assignment a few weeks ago where she had to practice writing numbers by answering some questions.  A few questions were -- What is your home address?-6039, How old are you?-7, How many people live in your house?-5, How many sisters do you have?-2, and then this question, How many brother do you have?-Julia answered 1.  I was so touched by this because this little guy has been growing in her heart for so long.  Even before we got a referral she knew that her brother was in Hong Kong.  So of course answering 1 was natural for her!

I love all that God is doing in our family!